April 3, 2018

it's almost 11:30 pm.... I used to call it a night by 10:30 every night.  not so much anymore.  maybe I enjoy the company I keep more now...

I had told my friend that works for the building that I was going to bring my new boss down to hit golf balls today.  the boss didn't come in early, so I went to hit by myself...and when I got there she says "where's the boss?  I have the room all ready for you".   And then I realized that my investment in cheese danish had paid off handsomely.  good to have friends in the right places.  I will have to bring her a coffee cake on Friday.

and....I had lunch with a friend. and as always with him, it was a nice lunch with some business and some non-business talk.  good to get re-centered.

oh, and between hitting golf balls and having lunch, I did some work.  can't remember what, but I am sure I did. I'm pretty sure I did some work this afternoon too.

and, I had a person ask me to read my book - someone who I have not told that I am writing a book (actually someone I do not know).  So, clearly there is a buzz out there.  people bugging me for a pre-publication copy. now I know what Stephen King has to put up with. .. when it hits the shelves, I will have it made.  maybe I should change the setting to some small town in  New England...

so, going to something called a proof up hearing tomorrow.  hopefully this is the end of this bullshit. I am ready to be done.


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