Jan 11, 2018

One more day and it's the weekend.  and we are off Monday.

My friend at work recommended the movie "Brad's Status".  I watched it tonight.  A very middle aged looking Ben Stiller taking his son on a tour of colleges.  The son (Austin Abrams) reminded me very much of my own son. Brad has doubts about what he has accomplished in life, and that his high school friends have done much better than he has.   He ends up realizing that was not true.  Much more than that happened, of course, but that is the theme.  Very well acted.  I would imagine most people would see some of themselves in Stiller's character.  I look at linkedin, and see someone I once knew a few jobs ago is a SVP or CEO and feel like I've failed.....but the company they are at could be a dump (most are, and it could be because of them).  Some folks do hit it big by paying the price and good for them.  but the bottom line is that we are all successful.  Success is measured by what we measure it with....pick your measure, and hopefully you measure up pretty well.

Anyway - if you see Brad's Status is on, watch it.

I was ready to end this post but had to comment on seeing a gigantic Tonya Harding skating on a show on abc.  I think a movie is coming out.  Looked like the Fridge on skates.


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