Jan 10, 2018

January is a third elapsed...so, 2018 is 1/36 done.  Hard to believe, huh?  This weekend is the All Canada Fishing Show.  Me and the fishing crew go every year.  Seems like last month the 4 of us were up there on our annual trip...now its 4 months later already. We already booked this years trip, so we will just go, have a few beers and walk around and pick up some fishing literature we will never look at.

 I have been doing this house hopping for 3 1/2 months.   that's about enough.  due to a number of factors, time to get a place of my own.   Mainly, I haven't worn out my welcome with my brother and his family.  Great folks...and that is how it should be...looked at a place, filled out the application.  they run a background check then I guess you move in.  We moved into our house about 19 yrs ago.  and now a move to a small apartment. I will have to post some pics when I move there in a few weeks.

 I guess you have to restart and reinvent yourself every now and then.  and so I shall.  someday I will write a book about the whole situation.  Since "This is Us" is taken, maybe I will go with "This Sucks"....or maybe "This was pretty much inevitable".  I will come up with a title once I have a book to hang it on.  but first, I have to get "Don't Be That Guy" published.

I just realized I wrote a few paragraphs and did not complain about my awful cold.  Maybe it is not that awful anymore.  As I have said every day since the cold hit, if that is the worst thing I have to complain about, I am living a blessed life.  There are many that would kill to have my trivial problems.  If you gathered a group of folks, had them write their problems on a piece of paper and toss the paper in a hat, most of the people would gladly take their own problems back rather than take someone elses.


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