Tuesday, Feb 11, 2014

the grind continues...I took the train downtown again today for an interview.  I didn't feel like driving and getting ripped off for parking, etc....so I took the slower route and took a local train each way...13 stops.  each way...but, the interview seemed to go well.....

then later I got a call from the recruiter - who was very considerate...and had talked to the client...who said they were concerned that I had been a VP at a job, then took a job that was less than VP level...and that was over 5 years ago.  sure - not only that, but I made a lot less...isn't that what everyone does?  if a company can't understand that in 2008 a lot of people had the same issue, shame on them...

ok...so after that enlightening phone call, I went to the store to get a bunch of things that were on sale, and it was stock up time...I had the belt filled with my groceries, and I watched as the cashier scanned each item...and reached farther on the belt for the next item...to the point where she was stretching about 3 feet to grab the next thing to scan...I couldn't help but ask her "why don't you just turn the belt on to bring the items closer to you so you don't have to reach so far for them???"  her response..."I will in a minute".

is it me, or are we surrounded with idiots....or...are they zombies?????


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