Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012

look at this story about a cook county commissioneer, Beavis, and his lack of any civilized class
what an utter joke....this is a politician elected to represent his constituants...we keep lowering the bar, but it is still far too high to account for the scum that gets elected..for the lowest rung of the low that somehow gets into office and rips us all off. 

we are really in a bad way.  a turd like this is a political heavyweight?  my, how low we have fallen.  I fear for the future of this country.

cook county - what a pathetic shithole
Illinois - what a really sorry excuse for a short, a real shithole.  and they take how much of our income?

Fudd...what a pantload.

prickwinke...what a stupid man (or woman...or what exactly is that thing?)

folks - we are screwed...


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