Monday, Dec. 19

back to work.  the survivor finale sucked - that concept is old and uninteresting.  but I keep watching it like a fool.

as mentioned yesterday, here is a great editorial from the Trib about pension abuse in Illinois.,0,4801518.story

such blatant misuse of pension funds made legal by Illinois' 1000 page pension guidelines.  clearly, the guidelines were established to allow this type of misappropriation of tax dollars.  then they stand behind the fact that the Illinois constitution does not allow for chaning of the pension payout - once they have rigged the rules in favor of awarding themselves unearned, excessive pensions that the taxpayers have to support. 

I would imagine the tuition funding issue will be found for what that is too - a scheme to create a pool of money that can be pillaged by those in charge of the funds.

when is enough enough?

Illinois - what a shithole.


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