Tuesday, Nov. 8

One year to the presidential election...at least I think that's right.  One can only wonder about the silliness we are about to see.  all the empty promises that will be made.  the big talk.  we were all fooled in 2008 - but then again, we are so far down the tubes that the ability to fix things in one 4 year term, or with one administration is nil.  Back in the boom times of the 90s, people were quick to give credit to Ronald Regan...who had left office a decade earlier.   I don't recall at the time when Regan was president anyone saying "gee - a decade from now these things he is doing will really be good".  Every previous administration had a hand in our situation now.  In not flicking off the minute parasite that became big and unremovable.  In letting the hogs gorge at the public trough, and letting them get so fat they cannot be pushed away.  So, in a manner of speaking, every previous administration played a part in the situation we face today.  and I challenge anyone to say they want more of the same.  something tells me we have not bottomed out yet....

here's another really interesting story by Mayor Rahm.


he is pushing for speeding cameras throughout the city only because he is interested in the safety of students.  so - how many students were killed last year in Chicago?  and how many of them were killed by speeding cars?   sure...and mailing those $100 speeding tickets is only a nice by-product of this noble effort, huh?

what a crock.  break out the checkbook.


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