Thursday, Sept 29

September winds did this month fly by...

With the presidential election just a year away, there are many more political stories in print and on the see the term "Tea Party" so frequently now...and the liberal media being what it is, the term Tea Party usually carries a negative connotation.  TEA Party is an acronym for "Taxed Enough Already", those whose lives depend on a government handout are naturally opposed to the TEA PARTY since those government handouts are money that is taken from the middle class pockets in the form of taxes and fees for virtually everything.  Unions oppose the TEA party - those outrageous pensions need to be paid, and that money has to come from somewhere....the democrats oppose the TEA party because Dems are traditionally parasites, and those government handouts have to come from somewhere...immigration advocates oppose the tea party because illegals come here, and there link cards have to come from somewhere...lots of deadbeats with a lot to lose if too many of us realize how we are getting ripped off and they are getting a free ride. 
TEA Party - the term is trite and dated, but have we not been taxed enough already?  Where is ours??

and, I enjoyed the colossal collapse by the Boston Red Sox...the really obamma-ed, didn't they??  (that's a new term I coined today... it means they really crapped the bed).  C-Will: feel free to use that one.


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