Thursday, July 28

really speeding into August.  July is passing in the blink of an eye.

I was off today and had a lot of running around to do.  I passed a gas station this morning, where gas was $3.86, and figured I would stop later in the, I just passed the same station, and gas had gone to $4.06 per gallon - a 20 cent increase in the span of a few, I had posted the link yesterday that read that BP had made record profits while selling less gas...and Shell also posted record profits, if you have achieved record profits by ass raping those who buy your product, and achieved record profits because of said ass raping, the only way to maintain a record of consecutive record profits is by ass raping on the highest order...

funny - when Bush was president, he was ridiculed because the price of gas was out of control..but our messiah obama - he can do no wrong.  The press makes nary a mention of inability to keep gas affordable, negotiate a solution to the deficit debate, make any progress on ending just one of the many wars that are bleeding us dry....well, it must be time for Letterman to show a clip of Bush tripping over a curb. 

what a colossal failure.  the emperor is wearing no clothers, folks.


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