Thursday, July 14

Leaders lead.....a simple yet very true statememt.  We elect leaders because they have the ability to plan/prepare/execute.  They build consensus, seek solutions.  Good leaders do that....look at the trainwreck we have in our country now.  Where has Obama led us?  He had no plan to address any of the issues he said he would address while campaigning in 2008.  He has led us to the brink of disaster - if we aren't there already.  His skill has proven to be convincingly pointing at the camera and starting his statement with "LOOK..." followed by some scripted, vague answer.  What a colossal failure.  Do you know anyone that is better off than they were before he took office?  I sure don't.  His statement about jobs not being as "shovel ready" as he thought????? wtf????  and the sheep in the press giggle at his clever answers...."time to eat our peas"??????  this is the answer from the leader of what was once the most powerful, prestigeous country in the world????  and we all stood by and watched.  we were all fooled.  and the press fawned over this failure.

 the emperor is wearing no clothes, folks.  to classify this presidency as a miserable failure is an insult to miserable failures everywhere.  look at the story linked below.  the rest of the world has tired of this empty suit and his act.

if the current situation were not so frighteningly bad, it would be comical.  time to bring in someone that knows what they are doing, and I doubt we can wait until 2012. 

what a trainwreck.  maybe its time for Letterman to show another video of George Bush making a mistake.  we can forget how inept Obama is by watching an Iraqi throw a shoe at Bush.  and we can all laugh. 


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