Tuesday, May 24

Is there anything better than a 4 day weekend, which included 2 rounds of golf???  the only thing better would be 4 days with 3 days of golf.  Had a beautiful day yesterday, played at an outing to raise funds for the Ravinia music program.  very nice, and so odd to see where the country club set hangs out....wow....
I started a Fitness Boot Camp yesterday....as I wrote on April 14, I have let myself go...big time...when I play basketball, I can take a play off, or call for a sub...in a gym environment with a trainer and 20 other out of shape slobs, you don't take off - you do your best and hope the 40 minutes passes by as fast as possible.  but this is week 1 of 4 weeks, and I vow to give it my all to see if I can get back in any kind of shape.  It does feel good to do it, so therein lies my motivation to keep it going.
back at work after a few days off....the world does not give a crap that you are off - your work will be there waiting for you....
have a good one.


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