Tuesday, May 17

Past the halfway point of May and charging toward June.  Maybe spring will get here by then.  time does fly.
How interesting that Gov. Arnold shows in todays story what a steaming dog turd he truly is.  The story breaks that he had a child with his housekeeper 10 years ago.  and now that housekeeper is retired...gee - she must be, what - 40 or so?  and can retire on what a housekeeper makes?  Makes you wonder who knew what, and what was she given to keep quiet.  did she get services and welfare she would not have gotten if not for screwing Arnold?  anyway, just reinforces the woeful character of those who are elected to make decisions on behalf of the taxpayer.  again, what a steaming pile of dog crap this guy is.  and a liar to boot.  as I have written - we elected these turds, and deserve everything we get because of it. 
in other news, the price of a barrel of oil continues to slide....the price of a gallon of gas at the pump does not.  truly mystifying.  just wait until the next quarterly earnings report from the oil companies.  Here's a link to a story you may find interesting regarding the dog and pony show last week with congress and the oil company execs. 



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