Thursday, May 26

I need to start building an ark.  Not only have we had 5 inches of rain, it was 44 degrees this morning.  I dug up a few of my tomoto plants that were under water.  My yard is now flooded for the 3rd time this spring.

Check out this story about Americans and our vacation compared to the rest of the world:

Basically it says what we all have known, and I have written about in the past; that Americans get significantly less vacation time than any other industrialized country.  Sure - we Amercans need to work to pay taxes so we can be the policeman for the world, and the benefactor of the world - sending billions of our tax dollars wherever they are needed (unless it is for our country) even to countries that hate us.  We need work in order to pay taxes for the military to protect the flow of oil to the rest of the world.  We need to pay taxes for the pension slobs to continue to freeload off us.  We need to stay at work because companies have cut staff to the bone.  We need to work to pay taxes to support the millions of illegal aliens who are parasites, getting government aid.  To the rest of the world, I offer the middle finger salute.  Some day we middle class taxpayers need to say enough is enough.  And then take the amount of vacation the rest of the lazy ass world takes.

Here's a little story you may like about how we are going to get screwed a little bit more this weekend....a"glitch" and a "flare" are the reasons given for why we are getting ass raped  gouged just a little more than usual...let's see...the refinery pays no more for crude, they make the mistake (glitch and flare) and the millions of cars on the roads in the midwest will be paying more for gas...bend over and take it, folks.   (I love the quote at the bottom of the story "it couldn't come at a worse time"....or a better time for the oil companies)

so, am I a fountain of rosy little stories, or what??


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