Tuesday, March 29

Still cold - too cold for the end of March. 
Here's a link to a story I saw yesterday:


In a town hall meeting, an illegal alien, via skype, asked Obama about deportation.  Obama's reply was that he wants them to succeed, not deport them.
says who?
deport them all....bloodsucking leeches that they are.  freeloaders.  why should our tax dollars go toward supporting a population of criminals.  and, by being here illegally, they are criminals.  They come to this country knowing how to work the system.  The government hounds us legal citizens for every tax dollar they can squeeze out of us....but if you are here illegally, apparently you deserve special consideration.  A school district in Elgin was being sued because some slugs were not happy with the quality of the ESL program...hey, I have an idea - how about learning English like legal immigrants have for decades.  Or maybe our government can  make a requirement for citizenship that you have to speak our native language.
I firmly believe there is a strategy in place to grow the US population faster than it would grow if no aggressive policy was in place to leave the gates open.  the more people, the more tax payers, and the longer the whole pension/entitlement fraud can be perpetrated.  Without increasing tax inflow faster than the outflow (which has reached critical mass) our systems will deflate and bottom out.  That is where we are. 
Our immigration policy has failed us.  We have filled the country with the garbage from other countries.  and now we cannot rid outselves of it with our current administration's inaction - and preventing states such as AZ from protecting themselves against the flood of illegal freeloaders entering their state and bankrupting them.
sad but true.  that is where we are.  Our country is for everyone but those here legally and paying taxes.


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