Thursday, March 3

Had the health screening at work today.  much more work to do. and that is an understatement.  but I have tigers blood and Adonis genes, so I will be ok. 
there was a school distirict discrimination case in Elgin that is covered by the Daily Herald.  Today, the former superintendant testified, and the story mentioned that the superintendant had negotiated her contract to stay into a new year, and thereby be eligible for a million dollar payout.  You have to wonder how many hogs like this are out there.  how many slobs that will collect many times the amount they paid into these funds...and all of it our money.  this bunch of slobs has to be delusional to think that their efforts somehow justify a payout like this.  and the only correction proposed by the politicians is to let those now collecting keep collecting, and only change the plan for new hires.  of course, that still leave us about $78 million short of the current shortfall.  so, why not let all the hogs take a cut in benefits?

anyway, I vow to look for something a bit more readable to rant about in the future.  this topic is old, is not changing, will not change, so when you see your property taxes become increasingly unaffordable, just know that this is the prime driver behind them.

so, almost Friday.  did Charlie Sheen say anything really entertaining today?  or are we all sick of that now?  Maybe Snookie will do something very snooky-like on Jersey shore tonight (I promise you I don't watch that crap) and we can all chuckle at how outrageous and funny this drunken troll is.

ok - I promise to lighten up.


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