Friday, March 18

We made it to Friday.  Finally.
I see that Gov. Quin, the governor of the most poorly run state in the country, has proposed a 2% tax on Exelon, the corporation that owns the nuclear power plants in Illinois (the most poorly run state in the country) to initiate a rigorous safety inspection program in light of the disaster in Japan.  The way a utility works is they get to take all their operating expenses, and mark them up with a profit, then use that cost base to determine how much to charge per unit of power used by consumers.  So, this 2% tax on Exelon will be marked up, and passed along to the people buying power from them.  so, Exelon will actually profit from this additonal expense.  And who will pay?  Us. 
and what has been done about the $78 billion pension defecit?  Nothing. 
It is nice to know we are so much smarter than the imbeciles that are running the state.  but then again, all this does is frustrate us,  knowing these boobs are going to be set for life once their terms end.  and who pays to set them up for life?  why, us, of course. 
and these people were all elected by popular vote.  thank God we weren't stuck with the losers of these elections.  think of how bad things would be then (irony intended).


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