Monday, Feb. 14

Happy Valentines day.  I remember as a kid, making the shoe box for the cards you would be getting.  Before the days of having to have a valentine for everyone in the class so as to not leave anyone out.....

I got a real kick out of Gov. Quinn, the governor of the most poorly run state in the country, saying that because of budget problems, it would be a lean year.....did he mean a lean year for people like me, who earn significantly less than they did 5 years ago, and have had the income tax increased by 66%, and have gotten 2 property tax bills in a 6 week period, or does he mean a lean year for the bureaucrats like former Gov. Edgar who gets a pension of over $300 grand per year....or the people who are pulling in a six figure pension from one job they retired from while working another 6 figure job?  or perhaps the friend of Toni Preckwinkle, who is getting a raise from $100 grand to $143 grand....while the county is broke???

who is going to feel the pinch of this upcoming lean year?  I wonder.....


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