Weds - Dec. 29

Hard to believe that Christmas is here and gone already.  and on to New Years.  Really busy at work, which is always good.  We hired 4 very good people to help with our year end production.  Each from a different background, skill set, demographic.  Very hard working - just a microcosm of those who are in the market.  I hired a part time person a month back.  The guy is about my age, with extensive experience in the car sales industry.  His job was cut months back.  No surprise - there are 5 very large dealerships in a half mile stretch of a busy street that are all closed.  You wonder how many sales people, support people, mechanics, etc have been affected by the closing of those 5 dealerships.  And that is just one suburb - every town has the same 5 or 15 or 50 dealerships that have closed.  You wonder when it will end and turn for the better.
I played basketball the other night for the first time since I hurt my hamstring in October.  What a disaster.  At this age, even a week off sets you back.  At this point I hope to just run enough to break a sweat and not have a coronary.  Speaking of which - the new years resolutions start next week.  Losing weight is at the top....and I really, really have to use the doctor's referral for the colonoscopy (gasp).  something to really look forward to.
the new Tom Clancy book I ordered from Amazon was delivered today.  Once I finish the book I am reading, I will start that one.  I also got the newsletter from the outfitter in Canada - in 8 months, I will be sitting in a boat fishing. 
so, enjoy the college bowl games, and I hope you are doing better in your pool than I am.


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