Sunday, Jan. 24

If this rain was snow, we'd be buried right now. nice to see a lot of snow melting, but there will be a lot more before this winter is over. I remember a weekend just like this last January. Anyway, time marches on. Just finished a project at work that required a lot of hrs and weekend work. Hopefully I can get back to a more manageable schedule. I am helping coach my son's bball team, and that is a fun thing to do in the winter. This is championship weekend in the NFL, and the Super Bowl will be in 2 weeks. Hopefully golf is not too far in the future.

looking at the business news, it seems like nothing is really improving. while layoffs may be waning, hiring has not yet started - at least for the folks I know that are looking for work. Having been working since 1980, I have been through a few down cycles, but have really only been downsized once. Makes me realize how lucky I have been. one of these days the recovery is going to start, right?


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