
Showing posts from August, 2009

Thursday, August 27

Seems like we're marching right into fall. It gets dark at 7:30 or so now. The fall weather is the nicest time of the year, but the winter is by far the lousiest. I continue to watch my contacts on LinkedIn, and still see people I know getting let go and seeking opportunity. Knowing these folks are quality people, I can see that this economy is a long way from recovery. When I see a colleague has been cut, I cringe, as I know the road they are probably about to embark upon. I usually reach out with a note, and offer what help I can. the lesson here is to keep active with your network at all times - join clubs on LinkedIn, or other networking sites. Unfortunately none of us are secure beyond our last paycheck. At the end of the day, it's just a job, right?

Aug 19

Summer marches on. Soon it will be 1 year since I was let go from my previous job. I suppose I dwell on that event too much, and getting one year of distance will probably be a good thing. I have been in my new job for 5 months, and it is going very well. I can't tell you how good it feels to go to a job that you actually want to go to. At my age, and at this point in my career, that has been the exception. I spoke to a colleague that was let go from my previous company a month before I was, and he is still searching. I can't imagine where my head would be at if I was off a year. Other unemployed professionals I know comment on the fact that there is still no professional courtesy in the hiring process - calls not returned, no rejection letter sent, nothing. that's too bad. I have been fortunate to hire 2 people that were unemployed. they know how important a job is, and take nothing for granted. My team is that much better having a few of us that have been though

Monday, August 10

A week and a half since I last posted. funny how time flies when you are working. never enough time to get it all done. I had lunch today with a friend that was downsized not long after I was. Again the topic comes up about the complete lack of professional courtesy in the job search. You spend time getting ready, going to the interview, putting your best foot forward, and usually leave the interview with high hopes only to never hear a word back either way. absolutely no way to treat a person who is looking for a break. Back in January, I went to a party and told my tale of being downsized, of the search, etc. I went to a party Saturday night, and the song is the same, it's just different people who are apprehensive about their situation, or who the axe has fallen on. such a lousy time. but, on the bright side, my son has started football practice, and last football season was one of the bright spots in an otherwise crappy time for me. if there are folks reading this that