Aug 19

Summer marches on. Soon it will be 1 year since I was let go from my previous job. I suppose I dwell on that event too much, and getting one year of distance will probably be a good thing. I have been in my new job for 5 months, and it is going very well. I can't tell you how good it feels to go to a job that you actually want to go to. At my age, and at this point in my career, that has been the exception.
I spoke to a colleague that was let go from my previous company a month before I was, and he is still searching. I can't imagine where my head would be at if I was off a year. Other unemployed professionals I know comment on the fact that there is still no professional courtesy in the hiring process - calls not returned, no rejection letter sent, nothing. that's too bad.
I have been fortunate to hire 2 people that were unemployed. they know how important a job is, and take nothing for granted. My team is that much better having a few of us that have been though downtime.

and so it goes.


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