Monday - Memorial Day

My last day off after a 4 day weekend. I had to take Friday off to get a new cable provider installed, which didn't happen, so that was kind of a wasted day. We had a nice birthday party for my son, and today is clean up day.
I went to the health club this morning and was shocked when I stepped on the scale - I gained back all the weight I lost while off work. I was walking several times a day back then, now the sedentary day behind the desk has put the weight back on. The diet starts tomorrow - might as well enjoy one more day of gluttony.
I saw an article today on what is lost when you take a pay cut to get back on the job. The study said that those that took a pay cut back in 1982 never made it back. No big surprise there, I guess. In my own case, it will take a long, long time to make up the difference between what I was making before and what I am at now. But, there is certainly a greater degree of job satisfaction now, and you can't put a price on that. There is somthing to be said for being in a job with a short commute, and whose values closely align with your own.
The weather today looks pretty good. Time to take a walk, dig a bit in the garden and enjoy the day.
and thanks to all those in the armed forces for doing what they do. Happy Memorial day.


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