Tuesday. And more rain


The story linked above is a good one. It describes the stress felt by those not yet laid off. While it is great to be employed, I do remember being at a company with cut after cut. People that had been laid off and found other jobs would tell me "you have to get out of there". Of course, I had been looking for a new job since the time before they were let go.
I saw a friend at the health club yesterday that is on edge due to the tenuous nature of his job. I could really see it in his face. The tension, the stress. The guy was not his normal, upbeat, personable self. Just imagine how many folks feel that way but just aren't showing it.

I made my call to certify for unemployment today. I am looking forward to not having to do that again. I will be starting my job Monday. I have been out of work for so long that I begin to doubt my skills. Not that I think they will have diminished, but just that it has been awhile since I was in the game. But, I have a plan for getting up to speed quickly in this role and forsee no problems.

Having lunch this week with a few colleagues since I will not be free for lunch after this week (hopefully - remember I am a pessimist).

Free resume copying today at Fed Ex. (did they change the name of Kinko's and not advertise that fact?).

have a good day, all.


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