Monday night.

Funny how when you have gone awhile without working that when you are working (if only temporarily) that the feeling of a Monday is a good one. Kind of like being sore after a good workout.
I will have to make the call into unemployment tomorrow, and the benefit will be on hold while I am working. I checked with IDES and they said no problem - the benefit is suspended while you are working, then is restarted when the gig ends. We shall see. But, the important thing is to be engaged and busy. and not on the computer all day.
Speaking of which, I have been presented with some "job search specialists" that will assist in the search for a fee. That scares me - I know the internet method is less than effective, but does anyone think there is a secret network that we can only get access to by paying $5 thousand bucks? I feel like these are opportunists waiting to prey on our misfortune. Maybe I am wrong and they are nothing but well intentioned - but everyone is out to make a buck these days.

happy Monday all.


  1. I actually met with one of those companies who charge the applicant an upfront fee PLUS more fees if and when you get a job through them. They claim to have an "in" with companies and they "market" you to those companies. I turned them down ... There are many vultures out there just waiting to prey on us...Be careful out there.


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