Sunday, Nov 14, 2021

 I have not posted since July....4 months ago.  time does fly.  since I last posted, I had a job, and left a job, and I have been to Florida twice, and did our annual fishing trip to Canada, played about 20 rounds of golf.  and other than that, didn't do much.  and have enjoyed every minute of not doing much.  

as my mom always said, "Too soon old, and too late smart".  Working at shitty jobs to buy crap you don't need is not a good strategy.  I realize I am fortunate to be able to be picky about what job I will accept, but there seems to be a shortage of jobs that I would find interesting, challenging or worth doing.  The bottom line is you trade your time for their money, so both sides need to get what they are looking for.  and in my case, I really don't know what that is.  When I grow up, I will probably have a really exciting career...maybe I will be a stewardess and live that glamourous life.  

on the plus side of things, I spoke with 4 folks last week that I have known for periods of 5 years to over 20 years.  It is very interesting to get a call from someone from the past, and flattering that they remembered me.  and the conversations were all over the place....some doing well, some not so well.  But, there was something that caused them (or me) to reach out.  and I am glad I did, and I hope they are glad they did.  

onto the mundane...turning into winter here.  we played golf last sunday and it was a perfect fall day.  38 degrees today, so no golf.  Hoping for one more round before we call it a season.  

I could go on...but my son will be here for dinner soon.  and as I always say, I need to write more.  


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