Jan 26, 2022

 The dead of winter.  I hate winter.  I suppose that's why I like summer so much.  Fall too...don't forget about fall.  But when it's below zero golf seems a long way away.  Maybe 10 weeks or so.  The last 2 years we played in early March, so let's keep a good thought. 

I went to get wine after I finished work today and was heading home and saw a woman pushing a stroller in the parking lot.  I got closer and saw a baby in the stroller without a hat. In 8 degree temps.  I rolled down the window and asked if she needed a ride somewhere.  and she blew me off "no..I am ok".  but your kid has no hat and it's 8 degrees...I tried.  idiocy knows no temperature.

Halfway through Station 11.  Still trying to warm up to it.  I know there is a new season of Afterlife on netflix.  

and so it goes.  


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