December 19, 2020

 I see I haven't posted since Oct 22.  It's hard to believe 2 months passed so quickly, and harder to believe I have done nothing in that time.  Nothing.  The job search remains stalled, but I still don't mind being off.  The lockdown continues, so we can't meet our friends for a beer anywhere.  But life goes on.  

With 2020 being what it is, I am just looking forward to 2021, and a reset.  Maybe 2021 will right the wrongs of 2020.  But really, we all have lives to live, lockdown or not. I had 4 friends over last week to watch fights.  That was the most guests I have had over since the lockdown started.  The fishing show we go to every January is cancelled.  The border was closed this year, so we didn't make our annual fishing trip.  

and so, another post about nothing.  I got up early today, so I am ready for my daily trip to the grocery store to walk the aisles and buy one item.  What will it be today????...


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