Sunday, Dec 8, 2019

I really need to get back to writing, whether it is this blog, or a book I starting writing long ago.  Writing is a nice outlet, and you have to keep writing to keep your writing chops.  But, one needs things to write about, so I had better start doing shit so I can write about it.  Merely living life won't cut it.  Maybe it's time to start watching Hallmark Christmas Movies.  at the moment, I am watching Sunday night football, and waiting for Family Guy at 8:30.

The job market continues to suck.  Or maybe it's just me.  December is never a great time for job seekers.  But, I will keep scratching the dirt looking for a shiny stone.

not much creativity today.  Ready for work tomorrow; in jobs past I would often get anxiety on Sunday night in anticipation of work on Monday.  Not anymore.  I show up, do my best, and go home.  I wish I would have had that approach decades ago.  but, as I have written before, Too soon old and too late smart.

and with that, I wish you a great week ahead.


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