
Showing posts from September, 2019

Sunday, Sept 15, 2019

Last week I was in Florida, ready to head to Tampa and help my brother in law move my nephew into his new townhouse....since then the move was done, and I hit the road for Chicago at 3:45 am Tuesday.  I made it past Nashville on Tuesday afternoon and stayed the night.  I left Wednesday morning and got to my brother's house on at 1:00 pm.  I had an interview while I was driving, had one Thursday and a few phone interviews.  Finally some action in the job search.  I start a contract assignment tomorrow.  The first step back..... We played golf this morning on a flooded course.  The weather was a lot cooler than the last time I played in Florida.  The courses are quite different between Florida and Chicago, too.  Florida courses are shorter with more water hazards.  and the grass on the Chicago courses is thicker.  Must be from the 3 feet of rain that has fallen here this summer. so, that is the update.  new week, new job, new climate.  all good stuff

Saturday, Sept 7, 2019

The journey begins.....after 7 very nice months of living with my mom, starting the trip north to Chicago.  First stop at my sisters/BIL to help move my nephew into his new townhome in Tampa.  So, tomorrow will hit the road for Tampa, then Tuesday leave Tampa for Chicago.  I have a few meetings set up, and will hopefully be working soon. I haven't driven that far by myself, but still think I can make it in one shot...but if not, I have time to stop for a night...good to have options.  My goal is to get north of Atlanta, and stop in the smokey mountains.  Kind of a one person honeymoon.  ICK but funny. I hadn't posted since my birthday (Aug 20) so seemed like a good time to post.  If I stop in the smokey mountains I will be sure to update you. Until then, make it a good day. or days.