Sunday, July 15

I noticed I had no pageviews today or yesterday.  From that data, I would conclude you have to put fresh content out there to get pageviews.  brilliant deduction.

Sunday night....I was talking to a friend at work who said he stresses out on Sunday night thinking of work on Monday.  His job is different than mine (was) but having spent too many Sunday nights stressing out about Monday at work is the most colossal waste of energy ever..  Easy for me to say, I know.  but you don't get combat pay for sitting around on Sunday night dreading Monday.

I do have an interview tomorrow, but it will be for a job at a lower level than I want.  one never knows.

I played golf today and what a wonderful day it was.  I do love summer. I was disappointed in how I played, and how my knee felt.  But no golf for 2 weeks, and I will spend the 21st to 27th sitting in a boat soaking it from the inside.  I should be in top form when I play in early August.  If top form means really sucking.

and with that, I wish you a pleasant Sunday night, free of giving a shit about work tomorrow.

updated - now I remember what I was going to write.   This week is pretty much it at work.  Having a beer with my friend tomorrow, then dinner with C-Will Tuesday. then job search in my office.  then a drive 1000 miles north.  then I get back and work a week then done.  When you are leaving a job/sinking ship, it is as good a feeling as getting a job when you need one.  Three yrs ago, I had left a job, and went fishing the week off before I started this job. It was so nice to fish for a week and not think of work...because I had no work.  And this year is the same.  A week in the wilderness then not going back to the salt mine. 


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