July 31, 2018

I hadn't planned to write anything tonight (not that I am on a schedule) but.......
I have been accused by one of my ex wives (actually I fortunately only have one) of not letting issues go and rather picking at them.  Which I will admit is true, however this one has me pissed.

Yesterday I was trying to order flowers for my daughter to celebrate my grandaughter.  Once I placed the order I realized I did not put "Love, Grandpa Dave" on the card.  I called the store (Ava's Flowers) within a minute of placing the order, gave them the correction, and got an email the change was made.  I got a verificaion the flowers were delivered.  but did not hear from my daughter.

This morning I texted her to make sure she got them.  Yes she got them but they had not added my name to the card so she didn't know they were from me - the dumb fucks.

So, I call them this morning.  They tell me that it is their mistake and they would credit me $7.28.  Yes - 7 dollars and 28 cents.  I assure you I spent plenty, so they can cram their 7 bucks.  I pushed the issue and the guy on the phone says they will also give me a store credit of $15, to which I reply they could credit me $1000 and I would never order from them again.

Of course, I got several more emails from them apologizing (but offering nothing) and those who know me can imagine my responses to them.  I can't help myself sometimes.

Believe me - I am not looking for anything - I am just pissed they messed up the card.  I don't know, nor do I care, what the flowers looked like.  I wanted my name on the card.

anyway - just proves the world is full of dumb fucks.  If you get a verification that a change to something you have requested was made, assume it was not made and assume those with whom you deal with are brain dead. 

Things were so much simpler last week.  I long to be back in the woods, free from the pressures of ordering flowers.  btw - that was a prime swimming hole.


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