July 19, 2018

so here I sit.  6 hrs til I have to leave to meet the boys and load up.  it's 8pm, leaving at 2am.  so what does one do?  besides eat pizza and have a glass of wine?  Alone is on at 9, will try to catch a few winks after the news and get up at midnight or so.

very interesting day today.  It was my last day in the current office building - the company is moving next Friday (I will be in a boat a million miles from here at that time).  I said goodbye to my friend that manages the conference center, of which the golf simulator is part.  and foosball.  I had grown accustomed to seeing her each morning then hitting golf balls at 8am.  and today was the day to say goodbye.  We will remain friends, of course, but it was nice to see a friendly face each morning to start the day.  You don't quickly replace someone like that.  She had offered advice through my divorce, and also about other things.  as I told her, she's the little sister I never had.  I was quite sad making the last walk to say goodbye.  I am not usually an emotional person, but it did hit me today.   I must be getting old and nostalgic. But you don't find friends like that every day.  She walked me out and we talked for awhile in front of the building, and I almost missed my train.  Time well spent.

I also spoke to another friend I hadn't talked to in a long time - too long.  I am glad I did - if only to catch up and move on to the next chapter.

and had nice dinner with a yet another friend tonight.  I have been blessed with dear friends. I hope you are as well.

so, this was a very nice day.  every day should be like this.  and most of mine are.  and in 6 hrs I hit the road for a 10 day odyssey to the end of the earth (well, almost).

to those who were part of my day today, or any day for that matter, thank you.  If you look for cool shit, you will find it.  If you are not looking for cool shit, start looking for it.  you will be surprised at what you find.

and with that, I bid you adieu.  I will post some nice pics when I return.  A week in the wilderness is like Matt Damon in The Martian.  It is truly like being on a different planet.  without a space suit.


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