April 4, 2018

Went to court today for the prove up meeting...so everything is final now.  We are not married anymore.  Because the judge said we weren't. 

And, just my luck - the week I am back on the market, so is Channing Tatum.  that bastard. 

The courthouse is such a depressing place.  No one is there for a good or happy reason - unless you count the attorneys who are billing $275 an hour, or probably much more.  I was sitting outside one courtroom where they must have the more violent cases.  You see the lawyer and client come out in the hall and have some frantic conversation about some life changing issue, then they run back in the courtroom. I hope their outcome was as good as mine was today.

I have one more attorney bill to pay, then settle up on the court orders.  I just made the 3rd monthly payment on my apartment.  January will be here very soon, then I hope I'm on the road.

In my younger days, I would have had a few bourbons to commemorate/celebrate this life event.  Now a glass of red wine with Survivor is about the extent of it.  I did buy a few lottery tickets today - because when I win I now won't have to split the pot.

I have to get ready for tomorrow - because today was the best day of my life, and the forecast calls for tomorrow being much, much better.


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