April 30, 2018

After today, the year 2018 will be 1/3 elapsed.  It seems like last week was January.  Well, with the shit weather, maybe not.  but you get the point.  Time flies by far too quickly.   I will be 60 in August....I hope to have many years left, but who knows?  so - live each day to the fullest.  and, of course, make each day the best one yet.  and, of course, stop giving a fuck.

giving fucks is the start of the downward slide.

when you do get to that point, you can see how much bullshit the real world is.  I know we all have to work to pay our bills, and stay above the poverty line, but how much shit should you be expected to eat to continue to live off a paycheck?  In the near future, I will write a bit about the current situation at work.  Which, of course, I could not care less about.  because caring may diminish my best day status.  which is not acceptable.

but, I can honestly tell you, IDGAF.  When you get to that point, I believe you find total consciousness.  gunga la gunga.  (and all of you better remember that from Caddyshack).

If you learn nothing else from this robust, informative blog, please......:STOP GIVING FUCKS (caps used for emphasis).  I better copyright that prescient life message pronto.  If I had a horseface like Tony Robbins I would be rich.

Author's note:  I have never been as proud of a woman defeating a 25 ft great white shark as I was of Blake Lively (no doubt her real name) in the Shallows.


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