April 19, 2018

Thursday....and it started out icy and snowy.  If that is how the best day of my life is supposed to start, so be it.  I have already stopped at the bakery, took the train downtown, gave my friend her danish,  hit golf balls (because of afore mentioned danish) and actually did some work. 

Lest I forget to mention, had a wonderful dinner with an old friend on Tuesday.  I have to do more of that.  old friends are the best friends. and, had dinner with another old friend last night.  I am becoming a social butterfly in my old age.

and.....as things change at work, there is a creeping wave of morale dropping.  of hushed conversations.  of people more open about talking about getting new jobs, etc.  woe is us....I have been through this so many times, it is not new for me.  but, here is a part from my book about the toxic daily huddle.  And it is right here for all to see.   God, am I prescient, or what????   and of course I refuse to be pulled into a toxic daily huddle, lest it leave a stain on what is the best day of my life so far. 

The Toxic Daily Huddle – a red flag

Avoid the toxic daily huddle.  The toxic daily huddle happens when a group meets each day to talk about how unpleasant their jobs are, and what a bad place the company is to work at.  The toxic daily huddle is very common at organizations undergoing change and evolution.   There is nothing to be gained by being a part of a group like this. Misery loves company.  If you find yourself being pulled into a toxic daily huddle situation, find an alternative to that unproductive use of time.  Ask your manager if training is available.  Use the time to mentor a younger, less experienced coworker.  Strive to be known for your good attitude, and not for your role in a daily toxic huddle.  Look around at your workplace.  It shouldn’t be too difficult to see several of these toxic daily huddles.


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