April 15, 2018

It's Sunday night and I am watching a movie.  I remember in years past having anxiety about going to work on Monday, because ...well, I don't know why....maybe a shitty boss, shitty company, shitty job...whatever.  Now - I could give a crap.  I will watch Gladiator (a movie I have seen a dozen times), watch the news, and go to bed.  I won't spend more time thinking about work than I did in the sentence above.

 Because I just don't give a crap.  I will work hard and do my best, which I do every day - that is my own personal standard.  But I am not paid to care.  after all, (as you know from signing a document when you start work) Illinois is an at will state, and you can be terminated at any time.  Well, I can quit caring at any time too.  Which I have done.  Because we are conditioned to be that way.

and, of course, caring is the first step toward being frustrated and angry.  which I cannot do, since tomorrow is scheduled to be the best day of my life.  and it will be.  because I will not ruin it by caring about a job that does not care about me.

See how easy that is?  I should write a book....oh that's right - I am.  although I think the professional library series I have in mind would not sell to well to the big companies I would need to sell to.

ok folks - make it a good week.  and if it is not the best week of your life, shame on you.  it is probably because you care too much.


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