March 21, on the road

Tucson is very nice.  Sunny, warm, a nice break from Chicago.  Keeping busy at work with many things going on (I generally don't post much about work details).

so, the hotel I like to stay at in Tucson has open bar each night from 5 to 7:30. I stop in when I get back from work for a few club sodas.  Like every bar in every hotel in every city, there are people sitting there and usually open to talking.  Tonight I met a guy who sat down, asked how I was, at which time I told him this was the best day of my life, and tomorrow would be even better. Over an hour of talking, I learned he was in the mining business, from the UP in Michigan, was 59, like me (looked much older than I am), was divorced twice and on marriage #3, and lost his daughter in a motorcycle wreck while riding with a drunk.  As I got up to leave, he said hearing me say today was perfect and tomorow would be better made his day.  All in all, the conversation was quite good...both of us sharing the good and the bad.  Honestly, the conversation made my trip.  Maybe that is why I came out here this week.  who knows.  but looking forward to tomorrow.  because today was the best day of my life, and tomorrow will be even better.  If I see you at the bar tomorrow, I will start our conversation with that line.


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