March 18, 2018

A very nice sunny day.  If the 50s feel this good, I can only imagine how nice it will be when it is in the 70s or 80s.  Which for me it will be tomorrow, since I will be in Tucson for the week.  There are a few things work related that may make the trip a bit dicey, but nonetheless, it will be warm.  See where my priorities lie?

Tomorrow will be a bit is my 35th and last wedding anniversary.  35 years...15 years longer than I was not married.  A number of jokes run through my mind, but I will not write them here.  At any rate, if a marriage of that many years was bad enough to end in divorce, it was a mess that should not be looked back upon.  and so I won't.

Castaway is on showtime.  I love that movie.  Castaway, like The Martian and Shawshank Redemption...I just cannot stop watching when I see that one of those movies it is on.  Also, the reruns of Battle of the Network Stars from the 70s.  the match race between Bruce Jenner and OJ Simpson was the stuff of legends. The lives of both of those American heroes were pretty dull after that race.

And now to finish packing for Tucson.  Packing for a trip these days requires that we take a charger for every device that keeps us tethered to the corporate grindstone.  Remind me to take all the ones I need.  I have most of Castaway yet to watch.  Tom Hanks is about to knock his tooth out with the skate.


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