Feb 8, 2018

where is the snow?  all week we heard dire predictions for a foot of snow tonight.  so far (at 10:20) about an inch on the ground.  The weather report says heavy snow overnight.  We shall see.  Regardless of how much snow falls, I am planning to work from home tomorrow.  I did the math, and in February, I can make it through the month with 3-10 ride tickets (assuming I work from home 4 times) instead of a monthly pass, about a $50 savings.  So each day, I spend about $11 on train fare, and $1.50 on parking.  the train tickets have gone up in price 3 times in the past 2 yrs.  $12.50 a day to commute.  I guess if you drove downtown it would be $25 to park plus driving expenses.  Crazy.  If only our salary increased at the same rate as our expenses.

Other than that - a dull night.  The hawks game sucked.  They are a dud this year.  I don't watch many regular tv shows, but Survivor starts in a few weeks.  Daytona 500 is next weekend.  Once Nascar season starts, can golf be far behind? 

with that I bid you a lovely, snowy night.


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