Feb 24, 2018

Sitting here watching a cooking show with Valerie Bertinelli....when did she become a plump middle aged woman?  All that weight she lost for the weight watchers commercials found her once again.  Of course, I gained back the weight I recently lost too.  So, shut my mouth.  Valerie just said she is very pro-mushroom.  I hope she never has to contend with someone who is anti-mushroom.  and, as for cooking, I put a chicken in the smoker.  by dinner it will be done...and smoky. 

I worked from home yesterday, and can make it through February without buying an addl 10 ride ticket, but it is too quiet working from home.  Nice to do once in awhile, but I need to be around humans during the day.  I did go to the golf show with a golf bud, and that was nice.  Hope to be playing in 6 weeks...maybe 5 if we are lucky.  Or 7 weeks if the spring rains are too much. 

I ran into a friend at the health club this morning.  We used to play bball together many years ago.  Last time I saw him he had been in the job market for awhile.  And still is.  but he seemed ok with it, which is half the battle. 

not much to write today.  I started cleaning the apartment before,  I guess I should continue.  or maybe I will just put my shoes away and then lay on the couch and wait for golf to come on tv.


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