Feb 22, 2018

I think I missed posting on my normal day.  sitting here watching the movie The Martian for at least the 25th time.  Great movie, and nothing else on.  The movie does make the premise of a guy stranded on Mars and getting home seem plausible.

I got a call today from a person that managed my account for her company before her job got eliminated.  Sad that a really qualified person that did such a good job on my account was deemed surplus.  Earlier this week I talked to a co-worker that was let go in the fall.  She is knee deep in the frustrating job search....which is what led me to start this blog in 2008.  No matter what you read about the economy improving, it is still not good.

There is a game tourney in our building at work.  I played shuffleboard today - the bar version with a 20 foot wood board and metal pucks.  I won convincingly.  Then my opponent told me that was the first time she ever played.  I did, however, win 21-0 in the first game.  But I take no pride in that.  I would imagine she would destroy me in the use of advanced features of a cell phone, or the proper way to use social media.  There is a foosball tourney coming up, which I will win easily.  The result of putting thousands of quarters in a foosball table in my college years.  If I don't win, I will post my failure on this blog.  but will also cover any bet anyone wants to make.  I will give you 5-1.

and, I had a few really wonderful things happen this week, which I will write of in the near future.  Now if you will excuse me, Mark Watney is about to launch himself to the pickup point.


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