Feb 2, 2018

Groundhog day.  I know this is my parent's wedding anniversary.  I don't know how many years they would be married if my dad hadn't died in 1971 - maybe 70 or so. My dad was 62 when he died.  and I will be 60 on my next birthday.  I think he would be 109 on his next birthday.  The years sure do march on, and they do so very quickly.

short story long....I was boring talking to a friend at work about my interest in writing and metioned this blog in the context of writing being a hobby of mine.  and out of curiousity, I looked back at the start of the blog in Dec of 2009.  What a bunch of whining crap that is.  I would delete the old posts, but badness like that should be preserved.  I am at 993 posts since I started in 2009...7 more to 1000.  I should get a starbucks card or something for that accomplishment.

anyway - big Friday night.  Looking forward to taking out the garbage later.


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