Feb 19, 2018. No, really, Feb 19

I was off today, but the weather was rainy. Couldn't do much but stay inside and eat.  which I did. 

following on to yesterday/today's post about the windshield wiper, I took advantage of the bad weather to write that into my work in progress book.  read and behold the new addition to the draft pasted below.  Sometimes my creativity impresses even me.  When I get published, I will give each of my blog readers a signed copy.  Remind me to increase the print run by 3. Two for the regular readers, and one for the liar that says they read it but just wants a signed copy.  If Nikolas Cruz had read my book, perhaps the outcome would have been different.  (too soon for a bad joke?)


We often put off fixing things we consider a minor annoyance, such as replacing a worn windshield wiper.  Each time it rains, or we spray the washer fluid on it, we realize we need to replace the wiper blade.  And once we replace the blade, and can see clearly with one swipe of the wiper, we realize we should have replaced the wiper long ago.  Or, we are driving during a severe storm and we realize that we can barely see the road and hope we make it to our destination in one piece.  Consider how many issues we tolerate that we know should be changed or replaced such as processes that are sub-optimal, or a vendor relationship that is not working.  We see the need to fix them, but the fix never makes it to the top of our list.  Tolerating elements of our day that we know need to be improved sows the seeds for frustration and distraction.   Having the issue rear its head during a time of crisis adds unnecessary complications to a situation.  Be decisive and fix it now!


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