Jan 7, 2018

As we know, health is the most important thing we have.  Everything else, money, social status, possessions, is secondary.  Yesterday evening, I started coming down with terrible cold.  Now I know a cold is pretty far down when it comes to health problems, and is temporary, but I feel beyond rotten.  Everything hurts....eyes feel like sandpaper.  don't feel like eating (not such a bad thing).  In a couple days, this will pass, and I will be able to complain about things other than having a cold.  but until then, I will sit around and mope.  Maybe if I watch golf from Hawaii that will brighten me up. 

anyway, back to work tomorrow.  supposed to be lousy weather - rain/snow.  the severe cold is gone, but winter is still here.  even nice winter weather sucks.  I really have to work on moving to a warmer climate. 

what an uninteresting post this  is today.  I have given a draft of my book to a number of folks and asked for comments.  When I start getting the responses I can finish the first draft.  big whoop.


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