Jan 30, 2018

Remind me to buy my February train ticket tomorrow.  Now it is $200.  When I started working downtown in 1985 it cost $58.  Almost 4 times more now.  and I'm sure I am not making 4 times more than I was then.  Shame on me.  But, what can you do?  Gas, tolls....everything we need to get to work and pay more taxes is going up.  gotta pay those pensions.

watched Oak Island (spoiler alert...nothing happened.  nothing at all).  Watched some of President Trump's SOTU.  Not bad...it's a president's chance to say how good they are doing, and that is what he did.

and, I ate a half bag of gardetto's snack mix, and a half bag of potato chips.  and I feel like crap now.  I have to stop buying that junk.

at any rate, I have about an hour before I turn in.  I wish I had giant teeth like Dana Perino.  She is hot, but looks like Matt Dillon in Something About Mary.   No one's teeth are that big.  Well, Mr. Ed, maybe

Good night, both of my readers.

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