Jan 25, 2018

a month ago I was watching Hallmark Christmas movies in my brother's basement. and now I am watching tv in my apartment.  Wow...what a difference.  not really, but in 6 days, 2018 will be 1/12 elapsed.  The days are getting noticeably longer now.  about 6 weeks until the time change.  about 10 weeks until we tee off for the 2018 season.  and about 10 months until the start of next winter....perish the thought.  Much living to do between now and then.

my work laptop keeps getting locked up and giving the "not responding" message.   so, no work was done tonight.   I did noodle a bit on my book draft, and sent an email to a designer I used to work with to see if he had any interest in illustrating.  Of course, if he charges me anyting, I will just use stick figures.  My words are that powerful. 

Tomorrow is Friday.  Fridays used to be a big deal when I was a few decades younger.  Now, not so much.  But it's always good to have 2 days off.  You wouldn't believe how messy this small apartment is after just 5 days.  Maybe Saturday I will buy some cleaning supplies and get busy.  Or I will buy cleaning supplies and not clean.  Probably the latter.

I just saw a commercial for Visiting Angels.  Maybe I'll get one of those people to schlep me around.


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