Jan 22, 2018

I worked from home today.  Still getting things put away, etc.  ATT was here the last 3 days to install, then fix problems.  But all is up and running now.  The apartment looks pretty good.  Not very big, so should be easy to keep clean. 

I will go back to taking the train downtown tomorrow.  I think I am about 10 minutes closer to the station than I was at my brother's house. 

I was talking to a friend that was visiting on Sunday.  The idea of moving to Florida is appealing, especially in January.  But, leaving behind all the non-weather things, like friends, makes it a tough decision.  We had a good time Saturday watching the fights, and Sunday watching football.  Who knows...good to have options.  Maybe I will become a snowbird and be the reason the residents of Florida or Arizona complain.  I have to start driving for miles with my left turn signal blinking.

The weather has warmed up - rain all day today.  better than snow.  10 weeks or so to golf season.


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