Jan 15, 2018

We are off for MLK day.  Nice to be off.  I stayed at the house last night, and moving to an apartment on Saturday.  I will miss being at my brother's house, but time to move to the next step in this new life.  It was nice to have a good place to stay while this was all sinking in.  After being married for 34 yrs, (10 more years than I was not married) it has been an adjustment.  But not an uncommon one.  Talking to friends who have been divorced de-mystifies it a bit.  And life goes on. 

My boss resigned on Friday.  I have a meeting with the CEO this week.  That should be interesting.  I met up yesterday with a friend from my payroll days.  He is now knee deep in the annual w2 production.  I certainly don't miss that. 

anyway - I have a bit more of this day off to enjoy.  and that I shall.


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