Monday, Feb 10, 2014

I have been off work about 3 weeks now....I remember now how frustrating it is...and that is why I started this blog 5 years ago...

but - on the bright side, a time to reassess.  we are at that age when our system can no longer tolerate the stress that we put upon ourselves.  and so my decision looks good.  at least for now.  check with me in a month...

went downtown today for an interview.  and going downtown tomorrow for another interview.  things must be picking up. I didn't get many interviews at all 5 years ago. all it takes is one. 

other than that...the weather sucks. golf seems eons away.  if I was off and it was golf weather, something tells me I would be spending too much money on golf.  so, there is real plus of this shit weather, huh?  (gotta find the bright side of everything - my new approach to all the suckage that crosses my path).


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