Saturday, Jan 12, 2014

wow...the year is really flying by...wait - too soon to start beating that dead horse.  let us get a few months into 2014 and I will beat that drum again.

working this weekend again.  making of the nice things about working hard is you get to be part of a team that works hard.  I am really proud of how the team I have takes on the big year end project and knocks it down.  as a disgruntled employee, you have to motivate yourself to do what has to be done.  as a leader of a team, you have to put that aside and just do it. 

I was up early and went to the grocery store - as I do every weekend.  the roads, while melting nicely, are still very slick.  so, at 6 am, it is pitch dark, and these joggers are out on the slippery street...jogging, with their outfits with reflective tape on them.  which is nice - that reflective tape will do nothing to stop a sliding car.  but the sliding car will have a good, reflective view of the dumb asshole jogging in the slippery street right before they hit them.

idiots will be idiots...

ok - hopefully get to the fishing show today and book the trip...for 7 months from now...

gives me something to look forward to...that and the 10 or so rounds of golf that will be played prior to the trip.


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